  1. More

This track is a Wake Up Call to us all, to just stop, look around and notice the miracle of life that is all around us!


There's so much more
There's so much more
Wake up- there's so much more
There's so much more

Look around, what do you see?
Everywhere you look, it's the miracle of life.
It's what's making you breathe, it's what's spinning the planet around in perfect proximity to other planets, it's what makes the flowers grow out of nowhere.
There's so much more going on, it's everywhere.
Open your eyes, wake up, there's so much more.

There's so much more
There's so much more
There's so much more
There's so much more

Everywhere you look, it's the miracle of life
It's what's making you breathe
What do you see?
Wake up, look around, what do you see?


Open your eyes, wake up
There's so much more
There's so much more.