  1. Love Over Fear

I created this track during the Covid-19 'Pandemic' when much of the world was experiencing high levels of fear.

This track highlights that Love is a much greater source of energy than Fear. By dropping the ego, quieting the mind and tapping into the flow of the Universe (Source, God, Higher Self, or whatever you want to call it), we discover an unlimited supply of unconditional Love (Faith). When we tap into the abundance of Love that is available to us always, we find our true Power and Freedom.

From here we can see our Fears as illusory, they simply are not real!!! We have the power to choose Love Over Fear at any moment. When we decide to choose Love, we are literally stepping into the highest version of ourselves and only from here can we truly be compassionate and unconditional towards others.

This Love/Power is available to everyone, it excludes no one- and it is our gateway to freedom!


Love over fear- freedom is here.
You are the power- freedom is here
You can choose love- Love over fear.
We are the power, we are the freedom.
We have the power and the freedom we've been looking for.
You are the power- freedom is here
You can choose love- Love over fear.
Love over fear.
You are the freedom- you are in control.
You can choose to listen- listen to your soul.
Listen to your soul- listen to your soul
Love over fear- love over fear.